Recruitment, leadership, and motivational insights from Sanford Rose Associates®
Leaders who curate culture are consistently on-message. They remind everyone of fundamental truths about the culture and the business to keep people grounded during challenging periods of time.
Even people with good decision-making skills can get it wrong. History is full of bad calls made by smart people, many of whom could even be called “professional deciders.”
As we move through life in pursuit of our goals, we occasionally get “impeded”. We find ourselves stalled, slowed down, or stopped in our tracks.
If you had to name the names of your most important clients, who would immediately come to mind? If the answer is anyone other than the names of your employees, it’s likely time for a paradigm shift.
Strength can come from the recognition that there is a bigger purpose, a desire to make a difference, and a need to have a higher meaning behind the choices we make.
Knowing what you know now, having all of life’s experiences thus far behind you, what would you do differently?
How can we capitalize on chaos and emerge stronger, both as a leader and as an organization?
We owe it to those we lead to help them understand how shedding the cozy blanket of security should actually become your comfort zone!
There is a difference between managing one’s self and managing the reactions of others, and the two don’t necessarily go hand in hand.
Inspirational leadership can be built with thoughtful and measured practice. There’s even an incredibly easy place to start.
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