SRA Insights

Small Lessons in Leadership

Within many industries, the success of a business relies more on the people you pay than the people who pay you. In other words, your people are your most important asset. In some industries, people are your only asset. As such, many SRA Updates have covered the topic of employee retention. Creating clear and quantifiable […]

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2022-02-10T08:34:09-06:00April 28th, 2016|

Extreme Home Makeover: Workplace Edition

For nearly a decade, Extreme Home Makeover reigned supreme on Sunday night television. In less than seven days, the crew is tasked with rebuilding an entire house – every single room, plus the exterior and landscaping. Residents, neighbors, and viewers watch with joy and perhaps a twinge of jealousy; wouldn’t it be nice to have […]

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2022-02-10T08:34:09-06:00January 5th, 2016|

Turning the Grind into the Goal

A world-renowned athletic coach was asked once what the difference was between the best athletes and everyone else. In other words, what do really successful people do that most people don’t? Of course, there were the typical responses of genetics, luck, and talent. But there’s an added element that most don’t think of; it’s the […]

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2022-02-10T08:34:09-06:00November 2nd, 2015|

Letting Go

Think about your personal path to achieving the professional success you have experienced thus far. What attributes or characteristics are you most proud of that got you here? What abilities do you have that allowed you to separate from your peers over the years? Second question: Is there a chance that those very same characteristics […]

The post Letting Go appeared first on Sanford Rose Associates Recruiting Network.

2022-02-10T08:34:09-06:00August 31st, 2015|

Who, What, Where, When, How…But Why?

There are two simple words that have the power to completely change one’s approach to work and life forever. These words have the potential to evoke fulfillment, enhance productivity, and create daily peace of mind. You may have found yourself saying some of these already today: I have to go to this team meeting. I […]

The post Who, What, Where, When, How…But Why? appeared first on Sanford Rose Associates Recruiting Network.

2022-02-10T08:34:10-06:00June 30th, 2015|

Establishing Mutual Commitments

According to a recent report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 2.8 million individuals who voluntarily quit their jobs in January 2015. This is a 17% increase from January 2014, proving that opportunities for employees are abundant and we have shifted back to a candidate-driven marketplace. Why is this important? Employee retention […]

The post Establishing Mutual Commitments appeared first on Sanford Rose Associates Recruiting Network.

2022-02-10T08:34:10-06:00April 30th, 2015|

Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur, or having entrepreneurial abilities, is an admired trait in our society. If you asked a candidate in an interview if they view themselves as entrepreneurs, the socially acceptable answer is a resounding “absolutely.” If you asked individuals on your current team or in your department if they felt they had an entrepreneurial spirit, […]

The post Entrepreneur or Wantrepreneur? appeared first on Sanford Rose Associates Recruiting Network.

2022-02-10T08:34:10-06:00February 26th, 2015|


The beginning of the year represents a timely opportunity for employee reviews and providing feedback regarding performance and development. This is a cherished time for most leaders; it is the chance to reflect on the milestones achieved in the past year and the creation of new objectives for the new year. Annual reviews allow managers […]

The post Topgrading appeared first on Sanford Rose Associates Recruiting Network.

2022-02-10T08:34:10-06:00December 30th, 2014|

Employer Branding: Interview Process

Recruiters often say that the purpose of a first interview is to get invited back for a second interview. This is because the decision for next steps then rests solely on the shoulders of the candidate, and options are limitless. But does every candidate who interviews with your organization want to be invited back for […]

The post Employer Branding: Interview Process appeared first on Sanford Rose Associates Recruiting Network.

2022-02-10T08:34:10-06:00October 31st, 2014|